
Scientists build subcellular map of entire brain networks

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have developed an imaging technique to capture information about the structure and function of brain tissue at subcellular level—a few billionths of a meter, while also capturing ...

Medical research

It takes a heart to make a better lung

Interactions between the developing heart and lungs are essential for proper growth and maturation; however, much is still unknown about the co-development of these critical organs. To provide fresh insight, a team of collaborators ...

Medical research

P53 protein plays a key role in tissue repair, study finds

New research led by the University of Bristol has found the protein p53 plays a key role in epithelial migration and tissue repair. The findings could improve our understanding of the processes used by cells to repair tissues, ...

Biomedical technology

Researchers advance 3D printing to aid tissue replacement

Professor Arda Gozen looks to a future someday in which doctors can hit a button to print out a scaffold on their 3D printers and create custom-made replacement skin, cartilage, or other tissue for their patients.

Biomedical technology

FRESH 3-D-printing platform paves way for tissues, organs

Research into 3-D bioprinting has grown rapidly in recent years as scientists seek to re-create the structure and function of complex biological systems from human tissues to entire organs.

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