Medical research

Imaging live mouse spinal cord will aid trauma therapy

(Medical Xpress) -- To study spinal cord injuries, researchers have had to conduct exploratory surgeries on mice to determine how nerves and other cells respond after trauma. But these approaches have only shown snapshots ...


Walking doesn't impair thinking and multitasking

(Medical Xpress)—When we're strolling down memory lane, our brains recall just as much information while walking as while standing still—findings that contradict the popular science notion that walking hinders one's ability ...

Medical research

Bionic leg makes amputee faster on his feet

Craig Hutto considers himself part bionic man. In 2005, doctors amputated his leg after a shark attacked him during a fishing trip off the Florida Gulf Coast.

Oncology & Cancer

Neural network can determine lung cancer severity

Computed tomography (CT) is a major diagnostic tool for assessment of lung cancer in patients. Now NIBIB-funded researchers at Stanford University have created an artificial neural network that analyzes lung CT scans to provide ...


Brain activity revealed when watching a feature film

Human brain functions have been studied in the past using relatively simple stimuli, such as pictures of faces and isolated sounds or words. Researchers from Aalto University Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational ...

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