
Lack of protein Sp2 disrupts neuron creation in brain

(Medical Xpress)—A protein known as Sp2 is key to the proper creation of neurons from stem cells, according to researchers at North Carolina State University. Understanding how this protein works could enable scientists ...

Medical research

Study calls into doubt previous BPA research

(Medical Xpress)—Yellow coat color mice in Cheryl Rosenfeld's lab are not fortunate sons and daughters.Conventional knowledge says these mice will likely live fatter, more diseased lives than their black, brown and mottled ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Klebsiella pneumoniae 'superbug' is being studied

University at Buffalo researchers are expressing concern about a new, under-recognized, much more potent variant of a common bacterium that has surfaced in the U.S.


Brain probe that softens after insertion causes less scarring

A hard probe inserted in the cerebral cortex of a rat model turns nearly as pliable as the surrounding gray matter in minutes, and induces less of the tough scarring that walls off hard probes that do not change, researchers ...

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