Medical research

Biosensor mouse lights up health and disease

Researchers from Sydney's Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the UK have developed a glow-in-the-dark "biosensor mouse" that gives a real-time readout of the rapidly changing "skeleton" within cells.

Inflammatory disorders

Wearable sweat sensor detects molecular hallmark of inflammation

The vast majority of diseases and disorders afflicting humans, ranging from arthritis to Zika fever, involve some level of inflammation. While inflammation is most familiar to us as pain, redness, and swelling, a slew of ...

Oncology & Cancer

New biosensor developed to aid early diagnosis of breast cancer

A team of Spanish researchers have developed, at the laboratory level, a prototype of a new biosensor to help detect breast cancer in its earliest stages. One of the team coordinators has been Ramón Martínez Máñez, a ...

Medical research

Biosensor barcodes identify, detail 'chatting' among cancer cells

Ever since the first barcode appeared on a pack of chewing gum in 1974, the now-ubiquitous system has enabled manufacturers, retailers and consumers to quickly and effectively identify, characterize, locate and track products ...

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