
Pediatrician group issues home birth policy statement

(HealthDay)—With the number of home births rising, the American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a policy statement on the practice that includes a recommendation that there be a caregiver who's present solely to take care ...


One-year survival up for critical congenital heart defects

(HealthDay)—For infants with critical congenital heart defects (CCHDs), one-year survival has improved over time, with an increased risk of mortality associated with earlier diagnosis, low birth weight, and maternal age, ...


Babies born even slightly early may lag behind, study says

(HealthDay)—Many women choose to have labor induced or to have an elective Cesarean delivery before the full term of their pregnancy is up, but a new study suggests their child's development may suffer if they are born ...


Teen births hit record low, CDC reports

(HealthDay)—Teen birth rates have dropped yet again, reaching a historic low, and the number of babies being born early or with a low birth weight has also declined, a new U.S. government report shows.


Babies are born earlier and smaller when males are scarce

(Medical Xpress)—In communities where Dad is more likely to be missing from the picture, more babies are born prematurely and of lower weight, according to a researcher from the University of Michigan School of Public Health ...

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