
Patient death rates higher on surgeons' birthdays

Patients who undergo surgery on the surgeon's birthday experience higher mortality compared with patients who undergo surgery on other days of the year, finds a US study in the Christmas issue of The BMJ.


Dance show alum gets her groove back after stroke

As a teenager, Sandi Thomas appeared for several years on "Dance Connection," a popular television show in Washington, D.C. For decades, she continued busting a move for the sheer joy of it.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Super spreader: A funeral, a birthday party and a trail of death

Back in late February, when the US thought it had sealed itself off from the coronavirus, a Chicago resident with mild respiratory symptoms went to pay his respects at a funeral as a friend of the family.


Forgotten memories may be retrievable

Do you remember taking your very first step, or enjoying your second birthday party? Probably not, but that probably won't seem weird to you because we have become conditioned to accept infantile amnesia as a fact of life.

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