
Lifespan gap shrinks between whites, blacks

(HealthDay) -- The gap in life expectancy between U.S. whites and blacks narrowed between 2003 and 2008, yet significant disparities remain, a new study finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Racial discrimination affects brain microstructure

Racial discrimination increases the risk for physical and mental illnesses, and Black women suffer from diseases at significantly higher rates than White women. How traumatic experiences such as discrimination increase vulnerability ...

Oncology & Cancer

Models can predict breast cancer-related lymphedema

Preoperative and postoperative models are highly accurate for predicting breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL), according to a study published online July 12 in JAMA Surgery.

Oncology & Cancer

Mammography rates down since 2009 USPSTF guidelines

(HealthDay)—Since the publication of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines for mammography in 2009, there has been a decrease in mammography rates among white, Hispanic, and Asian women, according to a study ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mammogram rates lower for Mexican women in U.S.

Mexican women in the United States are less likely to get mammograms than white women, black women and other Latinas, according to a new study in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

Oncology & Cancer

Race, income, education affect access to 3-D mammography

Women of minority races and ethnicities and with less education and income have had relatively lower access to 3-D mammography, a technology that can improve breast cancer detection and decrease false alarms, according to ...

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