Oncology & Cancer

Anthrax may be the next tool in the fight against bladder cancer

Anthrax may soon help more people win the fight against bladder cancer, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says strikes about 72,000 Americans each year and kills about 16,000, and is one of the most expensive ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Leaky bladder? The problem might be in your head

If your bladder leaks when you cough, sneeze or laugh, or every time you come home–-even if you left 10 minutes ago––you're not alone.


Bedwetting treatments offer help

Bedwetting affects up to 20 percent of five year olds—the age when most children have learned bladder control—and can result in an array of stressful and embarrassing social, emotional and psychological problems.

Oncology & Cancer

Botox might help treat bladder disorders

(HealthDay)—Many still think of Botox as a wrinkle smoother, but new research shows the toxin's growing list of medical uses now includes the treatment of two common causes of urinary frequency, urgency and incontinence.


Research study: Whistle away the need for diapers

Western babies are potty trained later these days and need diapers until an average of three years of age. But even infants can be potty trained. A study by researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, ...

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