Oncology & Cancer

New bladder cancer classification predicts treatment response

Investigators from Cedars-Sinai Cancer, working in collaboration with colleagues in Colorado and the Netherlands, have identified a specific type of bladder cancer most likely to resist first-line treatment. Their study, ...

Medical research

Study sheds new light on the growth of bladder cancer

New Curtin University-led research has discovered that using drugs to target a pathway in the body that causes cancerous cells to spread aggressively may help to reduce the severity of bladder cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Genes that hold the clues to bladder cancer and its treatment

Scientists have discovered the 'genetic signatures' of the most common form of bladder cancer - and it could open up the possibility of better-targeted treatment, according to research published today (13 November).

Oncology & Cancer

New target for aggressive bladder cancer

An international team of scientists have discovered a faulty process in certain bladder cancers that could point to new ways to treat patients with an aggressive form of the disease.

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