
Diabetes drugs may benefit all heart failure patients

Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, presented new evidence that drugs originally developed to treat type 2 diabetes may benefit a wide range of patients ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Novel way to diagnose Alzheimer's disease by blood analysis

Using proteomics and other advanced tools of molecular biology, an international team of researchers led by a group from Karolinska Institutet have found a novel way to diagnose Alzheimer's disease by blood analysis, with ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Bolstering the reliability of epigenetic clocks

Epigenetic clocks are powerful biomarkers based on DNA methylation that were developed to track aging in population studies, clinical trials, and personal health applications. Intended to measure biological age, they strongly ...


Beetroot boosts sporting performance in athletes

It's the bright-red root veggie more often found in a borsht than a breakfast smoothie, but the humble beetroot could become one of the next go-to foods for athletes as UniSA research shows it can provide a competitive edge ...


A simple blood sample indicates how serious a head trauma is

A simple blood sample to diagnose patients with traumatic brain injury is an innovation enabled by researchers at Örebro University. In a new study, reported in Nature Communications, they have identified biomarkers in the ...

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