
On-the-job stress relief

(HealthDay)—You've probably heard the health warning: Sitting is the new smoking.

Oncology & Cancer

Prostate cancer survivors more susceptible to chronic diseases

Prostate cancer survivors taking androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), a treatment commonly used to block the release of male hormones, are at a higher risk of developing chronic diseases, according to new research published ...


How exercise helps your heart

(HealthDay)—You already know that exercise is good for your health and your heart, both to prevent heart disease and, for those who already have a heart-related condition, to make managing it easier.


Gene study spots clues to heart risk for statin patients

A Vanderbilt-led research team has discovered genetic variations that increase the risk of heart attack even when patients are receiving a statin drug like Lipitor or Crestor to lower their blood cholesterol.


Controlling diabetes apart from blood sugar levels

When you have diabetes, there's a lot of emphasis on controlling your blood sugar levels. And just as important, you and the health-care team caring for you should pay attention to cardiovascular, kidney and visual health.

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