
Stroke cuts life expectancy by one third

Almost two thirds of acute stroke patients fail to survive more than a decade and have high risk of recurrence, prompting researchers to call for better patient care.


Cholesterol-lowering drugs may slow down metastases

Cancer patients rarely die from the primary tumor, but rather from the metastases—even after successful tumor surgery. This is because cancer cells sometimes spread to other parts of body early in the disease, when the ...


Mayo Clinic Q and A: Know your heart health numbers

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Each year at my physical, my health care professional tells me what my blood pressure, cholesterol and heart rate numbers are during the appointment. What do those numbers mean for my overall health?


Does an aspirin a day keep heart disease away? It depends

Each year, more than 805,000 Americans experience a heart attack according to the American Heart Association, and another 795,000 suffer a stroke based on information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These ...

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