
Vascular development may be at risk in autism

A Canadian collaboration led by Dr. Baptiste Lacoste has undertaken the first ever in-depth study of vasculature in the autistic brain. The product of four years of work, a paper published today in Nature Neuroscience lays ...

Medical research

Computer guided drug delivery developed for brain disorders

While we are starting to get a handle on drugs and therapeutics that might to help alleviate brain disorders, efficient delivery remains a roadblock to tackling these devastating diseases. New research from the Graybiel, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Algorithm predicts risk for PTSD after traumatic injury

Researchers have developed an algorithm that can predict whether trauma survivors are likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The tool, which relies on routinely collected medical data, would allow clinicians ...


Who is at risk of heart rhythm disorders?

Use the right tool for the job. Today experts outline the best way to identify people most likely to develop common and devastating heart rhythm disorders. The advice is published in EP Europace, a journal of the European ...


Overactive enzyme causes hereditary hypertension

A Turkish family from a village near the Black Sea caught the attention of medical researchers in the early 1970s, when a physician discovered that many members of this large family had both unusually short fingers and astronomically ...

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