
Even low lead levels in children negatively affect test scores

A decrease in the average level of lead in a preschooler's blood reduces the probability of that child being substantially below proficient in reading by the third grade, a new National Bureau of Economics Research working ...


Lead poisoning a risk at indoor firing ranges

Indoor firing ranges may put hobby shooters, law enforcement officers and employees at risk from lead exposure, particularly if proper dust-control measures are not in place.


Blood lead levels in Haiti 'a warning for other countries'

Blood lead levels among the population of Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince are on average five times higher than in the United States, say researchers, highlighting the urgent need to address the problem in developing countries ...


Why lead is dangerous, and the damage it does

Everything is a toxin, or has the potential to be, in the field of toxicology. In the 1500s, Swiss physician Paracelsus, the father of toxicology, coined his famous dictum: "What is there that is not poison? All things are ...

Attention deficit disorders

Lead exposure linked to ADHD in kids with genetic mutation

Exposure to small amounts of lead may contribute to ADHD symptoms in children who have a particular gene mutation, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological ...

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