Oncology & Cancer

Looking for ways to measure tumour aggression

Researchers at University Putra Malaysia found a relationship between some markers of inflammation in the body and the aggressiveness of certain malignant tumours.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How meditation affects the brain to help you stress less

In Australia, about one in six adults practise meditation, while one in ten practise yoga. People often turn to yoga or meditation as a way to to take time out and manage the stress of their day-to-day lives.


Inflammation in midlife linked to brain shrinkage later

People who show signs of inflammation in middle age are more likely to suffer from brain shrinkage later in life, a possible precursor to dementia or Alzheimer's disease, researchers said Wednesday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Blood pressure may open door to personalized medicine for PTSD

Treatment with the drug prazosin effectively reduces symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for many people, but about one third of patients don't respond to the treatment at all. Attempts to understand why people ...

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