Medical research

Protein patterns: A new tool for studying sepsis

Researchers from Lund University and the University of Zurich have developed a way to use mass spectrometry to measure hundreds of proteins in a single blood sample. With the help of protein patterns it is then possible to ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A paradigm shift in multidrug resistance

Bacteria are pretty wily creatures. Take for example, an organism such as Salmonella, which which are killed by antibiotics in lab tests, but can become highly resistant in the body.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain science: How to manage fear and anxiety

Everyone knows what it's like to be afraid. A snake slithers unexpectedly across the path ahead, and your body automatically responds. You spring backward should it strike. Your heart pounds, muscles tense, breath quickens. ...


Oral chelation for environmental lead toxicity

Treatment with dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), an oral chelation agent, was linked to reductions in the amount of lead in blood in young children in Zamfara State, Nigeria following environmental lead contamination, according ...

Medical research

New technology to treat sepsis, a global killer

The National Science Foundation has just awarded $200,000 to engineers at Oregon State University who have developed a new technology that they believe could revolutionize the treatment and prevention of sepsis.

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