
Sweets change our brain: Why we can't keep our hands off chocolate

Chocolate bars, crisps and fries—why can't we just ignore them in the supermarket? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne, in collaboration with Yale University, have now shown that foods ...

Medical research

Time-restricted eating improves health of firefighters

Firefighters are the heroes of our society, protecting us around the clock. But those 24-hour shifts are hard on the body and increase the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, as well as cancer. ...


Early control of blood sugar key for gestational diabetes

Pregnant patients treated for gestational diabetes had better birth outcomes if they rapidly improved their blood sugar levels soon after diagnosis rather than having slow or no improvement, according to new research from ...


Gut to brain: Nerve cells detect what we eat

The gut and the brain communicate with each other in order to adapt satiety and blood sugar levels during food consumption. The vagus nerve is an important communicator between these two organs. Researchers from the Max Planck ...

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