
Artificial blood vessels become resistant to thrombosis

Scientists from ITMO University have developed artificial blood vessels that are not susceptible to blood clot formation. The achievement was enabled by a next-generation, drug-containing coating applied to the inner surface ...

Oncology & Cancer

Spicy treatment the answer to aggressive cancer?

It has been treasured by food lovers for thousands of years for its rich golden colour, peppery flavour and mustardy aroma…and now turmeric may also have a role in fighting cancer.


What controls blood flow in the brain?

When neurons become active, they call for an extra boost of oxygenated blood—this change in the presence of blood in different regions of the brain is the basis for functional brain scans. However, what controls this increase ...

Oncology & Cancer

Nanoparticle-coated bacteria can deliver cancer vaccine

Marking an important step in the development of immunotherapy cancer treatment, scientists have demonstrated that nanoparticle-coated bacteria can effectively deliver an oral DNA vaccine that stimulates the body's own immune ...

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