
Pupil dilation: A window to perception

The eyes are often referred to as the "windows to the soul." In fact, there is a grain of neurobiological truth to this. An international research team from the Universities of Göttingen and Tübingen, Germany, and Baylor ...


Ditching the toothbrush for whiter teeth, fewer cavities

The first thing people notice when they meet you is your smile. To be more confident when giving wide-mouthed, eye-crinkling smiles, people want healthy, pearly white teeth. But toothpastes only remove surface stains, and ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Cataract surgery linked with lessened dementia risk: study

Cataracts affect most older adults at risk for dementia, and now researchers are finding strong evidence that cataract surgery is associated with a lower risk of developing dementia.


Is Night Shift really helping you sleep better?

How often have you laid in bed scrolling through news stories, social media or responding to a text? After staring at the screen, have you ever found that it is harder to fall asleep?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social novelty has a special place in the brain

In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) in Japan report that a part of the mouse brain called the SuM is specialized for detecting new experiences. Within the SuM, ...

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