Oncology & Cancer

Brown fat may help improve cancer survival rates

Brown fat is not linked to cancer-associated loss of body weight and muscle mass, a common condition known as cachexia, according to a new joint study from The Rockefeller University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center ...

Oncology & Cancer

Metabolic health may play role in obesity-related cancers

For up to 40 years, nearly 800,000 people from Sweden, Norway and Austria have been tracked based on how their BMI and metabolic health—that is, their blood pressure, blood glucose levels and blood fats—affect the risk ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Four reasons swimming should be your next workout

When most of us think of exercising, images of long runs on the treadmill or picking up heavy weights often come to mind. But although these are both great ways of keeping fit, they aren't for everyone.

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