Parkinson's & Movement disorders

People with Parkinson's show altered iron levels in their brains

Iron occurs naturally in the human body. However, in people with Parkinson's disease it distributes in an unusual way over the brain. This is the result of a study by the DZNE that has been published in the journal Brain. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How body ideals shape the health of gay men

Gay men currently receive little research attention when it comes to health issues such as eating disorders and other body image concerns. Yet expectations are high for gay men, as the western ideal masculine body is muscular ...


Why yoga belongs in gym class

Awkward gym uniforms, regulated fitness tests, being the last one picked – for many high school kids, gym class is anything but fun and games.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Perceptions of body image linked to sexual dysfunction

After working with adolescents for several years before her time at the University of Missouri, Virginia Ramseyer Winter noticed most of the teens she interacted with were dissatisfied with their bodies, regardless of the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Comics can improve queer men's body image

Built, buff and metrosexually styled—such is the dominant stereotype of what queer men should look like. Magazines, websites, image-based social media and dating apps contribute to creating idealized images of muscular ...

Overweight & Obesity

Treating obesity benefits children's mental health

Treating obesity in children and adolescents improves self-esteem and body image, according to an analysis of all relevant studies published to date. The analysis, which is published in Pediatric Obesity, included 64 studies.

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