Endocrinology & Metabolism

BMI alone may not be a sufficient indicator of metabolic health

Body mass index (BMI) is not a complete measure of metabolic health, and a high proportion of U.S. adults with normal BMI still have obesity, according to research being presented Friday at ENDO 2023, the Endocrine Society's ...


How does the body clock keep track of time?

Picture the scene: you wake up in the dim light of the morning, and wonder if it's already time to get up. Just as you reach for your bedside clock, your morning alarm goes off. It's a handy—if mysterious—skill. But how ...

Endocrinology & Metabolism

How high altitude changes your body's metabolism

Compared to those of us who live at sea level, the 2 million people worldwide who live above 4,500 meters (or 14,764 feet) of elevation—about the height of Mount Rainier, Mount Whitney, and many Colorado and Alaska peaks—have ...

Oncology & Cancer

Metabolic health may play role in obesity-related cancers

For up to 40 years, nearly 800,000 people from Sweden, Norway and Austria have been tracked based on how their BMI and metabolic health—that is, their blood pressure, blood glucose levels and blood fats—affect the risk ...

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