
Blind people have brain map for 'visual' observations too

Is what you're looking at an object, a face, or a tree? When processing visual input, our brain uses different areas to recognize faces, body parts, scenes, and objects. Scientists at KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Belgium, ...


What and where in the processing of body-part information

The brain tracks the location of body limbs in space. This is called proprioception or body localization. Additionally, the brain is aware of its ownership of body parts, and can can control extremities because they are sensed ...


Obesity stigma prevalent in online news coverage

( -- Obese individuals shown in online news images are frequently portrayed in a negative and stigmatizing way, according to a study from the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. The study ...

Medical research

Study uncovers genetic elements that drive regeneration

If you trace our evolutionary tree way back to its roots—long before the shedding of gills or the development of opposable thumbs—you will likely find a common ancestor with the amazing ability to regenerate lost body ...


Baby brains are tuned to the specific actions of others

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery for adults, but for babies it's their foremost tool for learning. As renowned people-watchers, babies often observe others demonstrate how to do things and then copy those body ...

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