
Financial incentives boost weight-loss programs

Paying cash to people with obesity for losing a specific amount of weight or completing weight-reducing activities works better than offering stand-alone free tools, such as weight-loss programs, diet books, and wearable ...


Bariatric surgery decreases risk of heart disease

A Rutgers study of obese adults, all with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and morbid obesity (body mass index > 40), has shown that those who underwent bariatric surgery suffered far fewer extreme cardiovascular ...


Exercise can help against insulin resistance in the brain

If the brain no longer responds correctly to the hormone insulin (insulin resistance), this also has a negative effect on the metabolism in the body and the regulation of eating behavior. A recent study shows that as little ...

Overweight & Obesity

Is child obesity really going to shorten lives?

Rising life expectancy is one of the great success stories. If you were born in 1870, you'd expect to live until you were 30. But if you were born today, you'd expect to live to 72, and the UN predicts it will continue to ...

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