
Highest diabetes prevalence in poorest countries

(HealthDay)—Diabetes prevalence is highest in poorer countries, even after adjustment for traditional risk factors, according to a study published online March 10 in Diabetes Care.

Overweight & Obesity

Consuming probiotics promotes weight loss and reduces BMI

Consuming probiotics, so-called 'good bacteria', can reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI) according to a new meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

Sleep disorders

When weight loss helps with sleep

Carefully managed weight loss has been linked to improvements in obstructive sleep apnoea, a common problem that contributes to a range of short and long-term health issues.


Middle-aged men see weight gain as inevitable

Weight gain produces feelings of despondency and low self-worth among middle-aged men, but it is also seen as an inevitable consequence of family and career responsibilities, according to a new peer-reviewed study.

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