
Doctors set for first penis implant in US

Johns Hopkins University doctors are preparing for what would be the first US penis transplant, a procedure that could potentially help hundreds of wounded veterans.


Doc describes medical tent experience of Boston marathon

(HealthDay)—The experience of a physician in the medical tent at the Boston marathon provides insight into the impact of the bombings on medical professionals at the scene; the perspective piece was published online April ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Helping children make sense of the senseless

(HealthDay)—It's the day after the Boston Marathon bombings and three people are dead, including an 8-year-old boy who came to cheer on friends during the race. The boy's mother and sister are both seriously injured. A ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

As suicides rise, Spain seeks answers despite social taboo

"Eleven people commit suicide every day in Spain, the number is growing and the necessary measures are not being taken," said Victoria de la Serna, 63, whose son took his own life over a decade ago.

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