Medical research

Scientists accelerate path to drugs for COVID-19

Scientists at The University of Manchester have developed a more efficient method to produce medicines that are in development for the treatment of COVID-19, cancer and other diseases that affect many of the world's population.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Four health benefits of hugs—and why they feel so good

For many people, the thing they've missed most during the pandemic is being able to hug loved ones. Indeed, it wasn't until we lost our ability to hug friends and family did many realise just how important touch is for many ...

Medical research

Scientists reverse deadly impacts of asthma in mice

Mucus in the lungs can be fatal for asthma patients, but scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have broken up those secretions at the molecular level and reversed their often deadly impacts.

Psychology & Psychiatry

War songs and lullabies behind origins of music

Love is not the reason why we sing and create symphonies—at least not the primary reason, according to a new evolutionary theory of the origins of music.

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers seek insights into cancer's hidden vulnerabilities

One of the biggest challenges to the development of medical treatments for cancer is the fact that there is no single kind of cancer. Cancers derive from many kinds of cells and tissues, and each have their own characteristics, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We feel connected when we move together in time with music

Creating social bonds is essential for our health and well-being. In a new study conducted at Center for Music in the Brain at Aarhus University, Denmark, postdoctoral researcher Jan Stupacher and colleagues showed that music ...

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