Oncology & Cancer

The case for having dentists on your cancer care team

Cancer treatment often takes a team of health professionals—oncologists, nurses, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and social workers—to coordinate and provide comprehensive support for patients. At NYU, dentists ...


A person's height impacts their risk of multiple diseases

Whether tall or short, a person's height increases their risk for a variety of diseases, according to a new study led by Sridharan Raghavan of the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center, U.S. publishing June 2nd in the ...


Change of temperature causes whole body reprogramming

Human beings, like most organisms, are constantly exposed to alternating colder or warmer temperatures. These environmental variations cause striking metabolic effects and require constant adaptations. While some of these ...


Q and A: Just a little tug can cause nursemaid's elbow

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a 2-year-old daughter who loves to swing in between my husband and me as we walk. But a friend told me that wasn't safe because she could develop nursemaid's elbow. Can you explain the condition?

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