Medical research

Brain displays an intrinsic mechanism for fighting infection

(Medical Xpress)—White blood cells have long reigned as the heroes of the immune system. When an infection strikes, the cells, produced in bone marrow, race through the blood to fight off the pathogen. But new research ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Better diagnosis and treatment of cryptococcosis

A group of international mycology experts led by Professor Dr. Oliver A. Cornely at the University of Cologne has jointly drafted a guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of cryptococcosis, which aims at improving infection ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Understanding ear infection in children

"My ear hurts." There are many conditions that can trigger this complaint from a young child. Depending on the symptoms, causes of earache in children include a foreign object in the ear, the common cold, swimmer's ear and ...


Double-stranded RNA induces bone loss during gum disease

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology researchers reported on a new discovery regarding the mechanisms for bone loss in gum disease (periodontitis). They found that double stranded RNA molecules can activate the ...

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