Oncology & Cancer

Heparin-like compounds inhibit breast cancer metastasis to bone

Researchers from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have in collaboration with the University of Turku, Indiana University and two Finnish companies, Biotie Therapies Corp. and Pharmatest Services Ltd, discovered a ...

Oncology & Cancer

What wakes dormant tumor cells

Prostate tumor cells can be lulled to sleep by a factor released by bone cells, according to a study published online this week in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. Disease recurs in up to half of prostate cancer patients ...

Oncology & Cancer

Denosumab delays development of prostate cancer bone metastasis

An international clinical trial has found that treatment with a drug that suppresses the normal breakdown of bone can delay the development of bone metastases in men with prostate cancer. The study, receiving Online First ...

Oncology & Cancer

More radionuclide therapy is better for prostate cancer patients

For prostate cancer patients with bone metastases, repeated administrations of radionuclide therapy with 188Re-HEDP are shown to improve overall survival rates and reduce pain, according to new research published in the November ...

Oncology & Cancer

First Phase III trial of an alpha-pharmaceutical

Until recently, options for patients with bone metastases from advanced prostate cancer have been very limited. But now the first Phase III study of an alpha-pharmaceutical in these patients has shown that it can prolong ...

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