Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Novel methodology to predict spinal fractures in patients

Osteoporotic vertebral fractures (OVFs) are a prevalent skeletal condition in the elderly, occurring due to a net loss in bone density with the inevitable onset of aging. Unfortunately, they are largely under-diagnosed until ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Keeping your bones strong at every age

Falling may be painful, especially if the landing is less than graceful. Even a few steps out the front door can carry with them the risk of falling.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study suggests more older women may benefit from bone drugs

A bone-strengthening drug given by IV every 18 months greatly lowered the risk of fracture in certain older women, a large study found. The results suggest these medicines might help more people than those who get them now ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Bone health influenced by fetal life and early care

Physical exercise is known to make bones stronger but according to a new study, maternal health and its impact on the pace of a girl's development can also shape her adult bone strength—with implications for fracture risk ...


Working out after baby

(HealthDay)—Losing weight about 6 months after giving birth lowers a woman's risk of being overweight in the future.


Soy diets might increase women's bone strength

Osteoporosis, decreased physical activity and weight gain are serious health concerns for postmenopausal women. Researchers from the University of Missouri now have discovered through a new animal study that soy protein found ...

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