
Soon you'll be able to examine your gut from home

We are up on the third floor of the electrical building at NTNU, not a place you usually associate with cancer research and medical equipment. But the little green pill that researcher Ali Khalegi is holding between his thumb ...


UK cases of atrial fibrillation are at all-time high 

The number of people living with atrial fibrillation—a dangerous heart condition and major cause of stroke—has increased by 72% in England over the last two decades, according to new research.

Oncology & Cancer

Q and A: Polyps are possible culprits in colon cancer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm 46 and had my first colonoscopy last month. The doctor said everything looked good, although he removed a few polyps. Can you explain what a colon polyp is and if should I be concerned?

Oncology & Cancer

Exercise shown to release protein reducing bowel cancer risk

Scientists at Newcastle University have shown that physical activity causes the cancer-fighting protein, interleukin-6 (IL-6), to be released into the bloodstream which helps repair the DNA of damaged cells.

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