
Teen vaping doubles risk for subsequent tobacco use

(HealthDay)—Adolescent boys who use electronic cigarettes have an increased risk for subsequently initiating traditional tobacco products, according to a study published online Dec. 8 in Addictive Behaviors.


Girls benefit from doing sports

Girls—but not boys—who participate actively in school sports activities in middle childhood show improved behavior and attentiveness in early adolescence, suggests a new Canadian study published in Preventative Medicine.


Going to daycare good for boys

Starting daycare as early as six months old is especially good for boys, a new Canadian study suggests: more go on to complete high school and do better economically as adults than those who start later or don't attend daycare ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Adolescence can help unlock autism diagnosis in girls

Adolescence is a challenging time for every child, as they experience important developmental milestones and navigate an increasingly complex world. For girls with autism spectrum disorder, adolescence can create a window ...

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