Medical research

Study calls into doubt previous BPA research

(Medical Xpress)—Yellow coat color mice in Cheryl Rosenfeld's lab are not fortunate sons and daughters.Conventional knowledge says these mice will likely live fatter, more diseased lives than their black, brown and mottled ...


BPA lowers male fertility: report

Daily exposure to a chemical that is prevalent in the human environment, bisphenol A (BPA), causes lowered fertility in male mice, according to the results of a new study that will be presented Saturday at The Endocrine Society's ...


Bisphenol A exposure impacts in-vitro fertilization

(Medical Xpress) -- A University at Albany-led research team has identified a link between exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), a molecular component of plastics and resins used in baby bottles and the linings of canned foods, ...


Team sees effect of BPA and estradiol on sperm development

Washington State University researchers have found a direct link between the plastics component bisphenol A, or BPA, and disrupted sperm production. Writing in the journal PLOS Genetics, they say the chemical disrupts the ...

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