Arthritis & Rheumatism

3D printing a lightweight knee brace for the elderly

A lighter, yet more robust knee brace for the elderly who suffer from knee problems has been developed locally by Singapore engineering firm Delsson, in a collaboration with 3D printing specialists from Nanyang Technological ...

Oncology & Cancer

Robotic neck brace can help analyze cancer treatment impacts

A new robotic neck brace from researchers at Columbia Engineering and their colleagues at Columbia's Department of Otolaryngology may help doctors analyze the impact of cancer treatments on the neck mobility of patients and ...


Cast no better than brace for broken ankles

Using a cast is not more effective than a brace for treating broken ankles, according to University of Warwick researchers—a conclusion that could hasten the decline of the tradition of signing a cast.

Medical research

Students restore motion to five-year-old boy's arms

His arms paralyzed by a rare virus three years ago, Max Ng has struggled to push, pull and poke his way through the world with the gleeful ease that most 5 year olds enjoy.

Medical research

Working to change the future of prosthetics

Robots powered by human-like artificial muscles are still in the research and development stage, but Taylor Henderson is certain that they'll change the future of prosthetics.

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