
Sensation-seeking may be linked to brain anatomy

People prone to seeking stimulation and acting impulsively may have differences in the structure of their brains according to a study published in the April 6 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience. What's more, those differences ...


Scientists pinpoint how a single genetic mutation causes autism

Last December, researchers identified more than 1,000 gene mutations in individuals with autism, but how these mutations increased risk for autism was unclear. Now, UNC School of Medicine researchers are the first to show ...


Casual marijuana use linked to brain abnormalities in students

Young adults who used marijuana only recreationally showed significant abnormalities in two key brain regions that are important in emotion and motivation, scientists report. The study was a collaboration between Northwestern ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Positive, negative thinkers' brains revealed

The ability to stay positive when times get tough—and, conversely, of being negative—may be hardwired in the brain, finds new research led by a Michigan State University psychologist.

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