Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychopathy linked to specific structural abnormalities in the brain

New research provides the strongest evidence to date that psychopathy is linked to specific structural abnormalities in the brain. The study, published in Archives of General Psychiatry and led by researchers at King's College ...

Attention deficit disorders

Researchers identify brain markers of ADHD in children

Researchers analyzing the data from MRI exams on nearly 8,000 children have identified biomarkers of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a possible role for neuroimaging machine learning to help with the diagnosis, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Positive, negative thinkers' brains revealed

The ability to stay positive when times get tough—and, conversely, of being negative—may be hardwired in the brain, finds new research led by a Michigan State University psychologist.


Mechanism sheds light on how the brain adapts to stress

Scientists now have a better understanding of the way that stress impacts the brain. New research, published by Cell Press in the January 26 issue of the journal Neuron, reveals pioneering evidence for a new mechanism of ...

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