Psychology & Psychiatry

Key mental abilities can actually improve during aging

It's long been believed that advancing age leads to broad declines in our mental abilities. Now new research from Georgetown University Medical Center offers surprisingly good news by countering this view.

Medical research

Gut bacteria rewind aging brain in mice

In 1895, on turning 50, Elie Metchnikoff became increasingly anxious about aging. As a result, the Russian Nobel prize-winning scientist, and one of the founders of immunology, turned his attention away from immunology and ...


New imaging measure to track brain aging

Researchers from UNSW Sydney's Centre for Healthy Brain Aging (CHeBA) have developed an improved neuroimaging measure to monitor age-related cognitive decline in older adults.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists reverse age-related memory loss in mice

Scientists at Cambridge and Leeds have successfully reversed age-related memory loss in mice and say their discovery could lead to the development of treatments to prevent memory loss in people as they age.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

More older people suffer traumatic brain injuries due to falls

From a minor fall on a bicycle to a serious road traffic accident: The causes of a traumatic brain injury are manifold. About 90 percent of the approximately 270,000 cases per year are classified as mild, ten percent as moderate ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Potential noninvasive treatment for Alzheimer's disease

Ultrasound can overcome some of the detrimental effects of aging and dementia without the need to cross the blood-brain barrier, researchers at The University of Queensland have found.

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