
MARCKS protein may help protect brain cells from age damage

A common protein, when produced by specialized barrier cells in the brain, could help protect the brain from damage due to aging. This protein – MARCKS – may act as both a bouncer and a housekeeping service, by helping ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Potential noninvasive treatment for Alzheimer's disease

Ultrasound can overcome some of the detrimental effects of aging and dementia without the need to cross the blood-brain barrier, researchers at The University of Queensland have found.


Inflammation signals induce dormancy in aging brain stem cells

In old age, the amount of stem cells in the brains of mice decreases drastically. The remaining ones protect themselves from completely vanishing by entering a state of dormancy, scientists from the German Cancer Research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to keep your brain sharp in older age

New research from the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) has revealed which mentally engaging activities best keep the brain sharp.


High blood pressure damages the brain in early middle age

Uncontrolled high blood pressure damages the brain's structure and function as early as young middle-age, and even the brains of middle-aged people who clinically would not be considered to have hypertension have evidence ...


How brain networks change with age

As we age, our bodies change, and these changes extend into our brains and cognition. Although research has identified many changes to the brain with age, like decreases in gray matter volume or delayed recall from memory, ...

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