Medical research

How the brain gathers threat cues and turns them into fear

Salk scientists have uncovered a molecular pathway that distills threatening sights, sounds and smells into a single message: Be afraid. A molecule called CGRP enables neurons in two separate areas of the brain to bundle ...


Brain-robot therapy reroutes motor pathway in stroke patients

Brain-robot interfaces—apparatuses where brain activity controls the movements of a robotic device that supports a hand or limb—show promise in rehabilitating paralyzed stroke patients. Yet the exact way the therapy impacts ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cells that control hunger affect brain structure and function

The prefrontal cortex region of the human brain is responsible for a range of complex functions from decision-making to certain types of memory. When something goes wrong in this part of the brain, it can be very detrimental ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Finding the right memory strategy to slow cognitive decline

What's the best way to improve your memory as you age? Turns out, it depends, a new study suggests. But your fourth-grade math teacher may have been onto something with that phrase to help you remember how to work out a complicated ...

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