Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Older people with early, asymptomatic Alzheimer's at risk of falls

Falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries in older adults, causing more than 800,000 hospitalizations and about 30,000 deaths in the U.S. every year. Some risk factors are well-known—advanced age, problems with vision ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New theory suggests autism may not be tied to mindblindness

Tracking the extent to which other people think differently from yourself appears to be more relevant than understanding someone else's thoughts per se. Neuroscientists at Ghent University and the University of New South ...


New form of brain analysis engages whole brain for the first time

A new method of brain imaging analysis offers the potential to greatly improve the effectiveness of noninvasive brain stimulation treatment for Alzheimer's, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, and other conditions. ...


How the brain's internal states affect decision-making

At Carnegie Mellon University, Biomedical Engineering's Matthew Smith and Byron Yu, along with former Ph.D. student Ben Cowley (Ph.D., School of Computer Science '18), have studied the neural basis through which internal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Your brain gets bigger if you're anxious and depressed

Researchers have found depression is linked to areas of the brain shrinking in size but when depression is paired with anxiety one area of the brain becomes "significantly" larger.

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