
Research identifies brain cells that keep mice active

Scientists have discovered a type of brain cell that prevents mice from being overly immobile. The research provides insight into the brain circuits underlying what motivates us to be physically active.


Motor cortex contributes to word comprehension

Researchers from HSE, Northumbria University, and Aarhus University have experimentally confirmed that comprehension of a word's meaning involves not only the 'classic' language brain centres but also the cortical regions ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Researchers find autism biomarkers in infancy

By using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study the brains of infants who have older siblings with autism, scientists were able to correctly identify 80 percent of the babies who would be subsequently diagnosed with autism ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychotherapy normalizes the brain in social phobia

Anxiety in social situations is not a rare problem: Around one in ten people are affected by social anxiety disorder during their lifetime. Social anxiety disorder is diagnosed if fears and anxiety in social situations significantly ...


The science of baby's first sight

When a newborn opens her eyes, she does not see well at all. You, the parent, are a blurry shape of light and dark. Soon, though, her vision comes online. Your baby will recognize you, and you can see it in her eyes. Then ...

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