Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers find brain circuit that controls binge drinking

Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have identified a circuit between two brain regions that controls alcohol binge drinking, offering a more complete picture on what drives a behavior that costs ...


Mapping neurons to improve the treatment of Parkinson's

Because billions of neurons are packed into our brain, the neuronal circuits that are responsible for controlling our behaviors are by necessity highly intermingled. This tangled web makes it complicated for scientists to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psilocybin reduces psychological pain after social exclusion

Social problems are key characteristics in psychiatric disorders and are insufficiently targeted by current treatment approaches. By applying brain imaging methods, researchers at the University of Zurich now show that a ...


Key advance: Neuroscientists get a new look into how we read

Neuroscientists at UC Davis have come up with a way to observe brain activity during natural reading. It's the first time researchers have been able to study the brain while reading actual texts, instead of individual words, ...


When memories age

To the brain, it makes a great difference whether we remember experiences from long ago, or if we recollect recent events. RUB neuroscientists have shown that distinct brain networks are involved.


How the brain builds place memories

Tübingen neuroscientists have succeeded in activating dormant memory cells in rats. Using weak electrical impulses targeted at previously inactive cells in the hippocampus, the researchers induced the cells to recognize ...

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