
Neuroscientists demonstrate flexibility of innate behavior

Some behaviors that are crucial to survival appear to be hard-wired, meaning that they occur without previous experience. For example, many prey organisms naturally know how to escape to safety from perceived threats. However, ...


Researchers discover how hormones define brain sex differences

Sex hormones play an important role in shaping an animal's behavior, and their influence starts early. Early-life hormonal surges help shape the developing brain, establishing circuitry that will influence behavior for a ...


Some autism spectrum disorder symptoms linked to astrocytes

Abnormalities in a type of brain cell called astrocytes may play a pivotal role in causing some behavioral symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, according to a preclinical study by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators.


A 'social' gene in fish could contain new clues to autism

Zebrafish are social creatures. When they see another member of their species, they'll orient towards them and swim closer, much like a human at a cocktail party turning to face someone who's telling a joke over a plate of ...


Researching the mystery of consciousness after brain injury

The return of consciousness after traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains something of a mystery for scientists and is not easy to predict. A series of recently published studies by researchers in the Department of Neurosurgery ...


Study finds neurons that encode the outcomes of actions

When we make complex decisions, we have to take many factors into account. Some choices have a high payoff but carry potential risks; others are lower risk but may have a lower reward associated with them.

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