
Watch brain cells in a dish learn to play Pong in real time

A Melbourne-led team has for the first time shown that 800,000 brain cells living in a dish can perform goal-directed tasks—in this case the simple tennis-like computer game, Pong. The results of the study are published ...


Scientists uncover key factor in neocortex development

Scientists at the Texas A&M University College of Medicine have made a breakthrough discovery about the development of the brain. This new information contributes to our understanding of how the part of the brain that makes ...

Medical research

Scientists revive cells and organs in dead pigs

Scientists announced Wednesday they have restored blood flow and cell function throughout the bodies of pigs that were dead for an hour, in a breakthrough experts say could mean we need to update the definition of death itself.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers find new clues to potential cause of OCD

QIMR Berghofer researchers are a step closer to solving what causes obsessive-compulsive disorder, after discovering changes in how distinct brain regions communicate. This important finding could guide the development of ...

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