
Blame it on the astrocytes

In the brains of all vertebrates, information is transmitted through synapses, a mechanism that allows an electric or chemical signal to be passed from one brain cell to another. Chemical synapses, which are the most abundant ...


New epidemiology model combines multiple genomic data

The difference between merely throwing around buzzwords like "personalized medicine" and "big data" and delivering on their medical promise is in the details of developing methods for analyzing and interpreting genomic data. ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New Parkinson's disease chemical messenger discovered

A new chemical messenger that is critical in protecting the brain against Parkinson's disease has been identified by scientists at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit at the ...


No more turkey trash talk

Turkeys are heading to tables around the country for traditional holiday meals and countless leftovers, and its reputation as a sleep inducer gives many an excuse to nap rather than wash dishes or toss around a football. ...


Who learns from the carrot, and who from the stick?

To flexibly deal with our ever-changing world, we need to learn from both the negative and positive consequences of our behaviour. In other words, from punishment and reward. Hanneke den Ouden from the Donders Institute in ...

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