Overweight & Obesity

Targeting the brain to treat obesity

Unlocking the secrets to better treating the pernicious disorders of obesity and dementia reside in the brain, according to a paper from American University's Center for Behavioral Neuroscience. In the paper, researchers ...


New inherited neurometabolic disorder discovered

Researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet have discovered a new inherited disorder that causes severe mental retardation and liver dysfunction. The disease, adenosine kinase deficiency, is caused ...


Researchers identify how cells control calcium influx

(Medical Xpress)—When brain cells are overwhelmed by an influx of too many calcium molecules, they shut down the channels through which these molecules enter the cells. Until now, the "stop" signal mechanism that cells ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Findings could lead to early diagnosis of Alzheimer's

Korean researchers have identified the cause of olfactory dysfunction in the early stage of Alzheimer's diseases. It is expected to be used in early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and therapeutic research.

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