
Protecting the brain when energy runs low

Researchers from the Universities of Leeds, Edinburgh and Dundee have shed new light on the way that the brain protects itself from harm when 'running on empty.'


How the brain tells the liver to start recycling after fasting

Fasting triggers autophagy in our body. The body switches on the waste disposal system in the cells and gains new energy. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne have now shown in mice that ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Study shows gene defect's role in autism-like behavior

Scientists affiliated with the UC Davis MIND Institute have discovered how a defective gene causes brain changes that lead to the atypical social behavior characteristic of autism. The research offers a potential target for ...


Researchers find new brain mechanisms regulating body weight

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have clarified the link between the molecule interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the brain and obesity. In experiments on rats and mice, they show that the molecule does affect the ...

Medical research

New study shows that even your fat cells need sleep

In a study that challenges the long-held notion that the primary function of sleep is to give rest to the brain, researchers have found that not getting enough shut-eye has a harmful impact on fat cells, reducing by 30 percent ...


Scientists uncover hexokinase 2's role in microglial activity

Microglia, the primary immune cells and key guardians of brain activity in the brain, can constantly monitor the microenvironment to maintain brain homeostasis. When subjected to acute depletion or under disease conditions, ...

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