
Stroke treatment may backfire when kidneys don't work well

Stroke and chronic kidney disease are both difficult to handle in their own rights, but having a stroke when your kidneys are already poor is more than just double the trouble. A new study led by Kazunori Toyoda at the National ...

Medical research

Study identifies potential therapy for disease affecting preemies

One in five very low-birth-weight, premature infants suffers a life-threatening brain hemorrhage, often originating in a vital region known as the germinal matrix. In a recently published study in the journal Developmental ...


Draining blood from bleeding stroke may prevent death

A minimally invasive surgery combining the use of a clot-busting drug and a catheter to drain blood from the brain of hemorrhagic stroke patients reduced swelling and improved patients' prognoses, according to preliminary ...


For embolism patients, clot-busting drug is worth risk

When doctors encounter a patient with a massive pulmonary embolism, they face a difficult choice: Is it wise to administer a drug that could save the patient's life, even though many people suffer life-threatening bleeding ...

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