
What is a subarachnoid hemorrhage?

Globally, 1 in 4 people over 25 will have a stroke of some form, according to the World Stroke Organization. Subarachnoid hemorrhages account for approximately 1.2 million cases of stroke each year, and nearly 40% of those ...


Cutting-edge imaging yields new insights into stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke, where a weakened vessel in the brain ruptures, can lead to permanent disability or death. Across the globe, over 15 million people are coping with its effects.


The healing power of music for stroke survivors

Julie Stillman was 55 years old when a blood vessel in her brain suddenly burst. The hemorrhagic stroke left her unable to compose a simple sentence—a hard blow for a woman who built a career in book publishing.


Q&A: Brain aneurysms don't always require treatment

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My father had a fall recently. After a CT of his head, he was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. What is a brain aneurysm, and how is it treated? Am I at risk for a brain aneurysm?

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